Thursday, 7 April 2011

Improving our thriller

There were a lot of improvements that needed to be made to our thriller opening, the two biggest improvements were how short our opening was and the lack of sound. Unfortunately I was unwell for the week after our group finished our first draught and therefore missed a week of improvements. Lizzie, Emma and Kristina filmed some more footage at Attenborough Church to put into our thriller to make it longer. We then spent a lot of time on Adobe Premiere Pro adding this footage, changing things around and adding music to our thriller. We then still didn't have quite enough footage and decided that we needed to film a bit more, however we were able to do this in college on the field which was more convenient for us. We also decided to slightly change the story of our opening and use the clips we currently have as flashbacks and do some more filming of Kristina talking about her experience to someone else in order to make our opening longer and give it more of a storyline.

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