Tuesday, 8 February 2011

'Pulp Fiction' opening analysis

Pulp fiction is a very popular, classic thriller and that is why I chose this opening to look at.

The opening begins with two people talking in a restaurant, they seem like two ordinary people and you can't really tell what kind of film it is going to be fore the first minute or so. This is a nice effect because it helps the viewer get to know the characters straight away. The two people then start talking about robbing banks and various criminal activities, this is when the film begins to obviously be a thriller but as the two people look so ordinary it seems quite unusual which makes the viewer want to know more. The male then gets a gun out and once again this seems unusual as the characters are being portrayed as a very ordinary couple calling each other "pumpkin" and "honeybunny" and kissing, right before they rob the restaurant.

The scene finally ends and freezes on the image of the male and female stood holding guns up in the restaurant and some fast paced music comes on and the title 'Pulp Fiction' comes up in big orange writing. By this point the viewer knows what is going on and the film is ready to properly start. This opening is good because it doesn't mess around, it gets straight into the film and hooks the viewer straight away and I think that is good.

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