Friday, 18 February 2011

Questionnaire analysis (Question 6)

These are the results to the question "What kind of shots do you like to see in a thrillers opening titles? (You may tick more than one)"
The results show that the majority of people want to see 'quick flashing shots' in the opening titles of a thriller, the second and third most popular choices are 'more music than dialogue' and 'lots of action'. This shows that people want to see an action packed exciting opening to a thriller, we can use this information in our thriller opening.

Questionnaire analysis (Question 5)

These are the results to the question "What is your favourite thriller/the most memorable thriller you have ever seen?"
This was the only open ended question put all of these thrillers are very popular in general, the most popular thriller was 'Seven', the second most popular was 'Paranormal Activity' and 'Inception', 'Pulp Fiction' and 'The Dark Knight' were all very close. Our group will use this information to influence our thriller opening.

Questionnaire analysis (Question 4)

These are the results to the question "Which type of thrillers are your favourite? (You can tick more than one)"
These results show that the most popular sub-genre is Horror/Paranormal, the two second most popular are Action-Adventure and Historical, then Sci-Fi, Disaster and Medical. Our group will definitely bare in mind that Horror/Paranormal is the most popular sub-genre, it is also the most common and we will therefore include this genre in our opening.

Questionnaire analysis (Question 3)

These are the results to the question "How often do you watch thriller films?"
The results show that only a small amount of the people never watch thrillers, the other two categories came out equal, this is good as people who don't watch thrillers wouldn't have a good insight into what thrillers usually include.

Questionnaire analysis (Question 2)

This is the analysis of the second question from my questionnaire "what age group are you?" This shows that the majority of the people I asked were 16 - 25 and the second most popular age group was 5 -15. I think the majority group was 16 - 25 as this is the age group I am in and therefore most of the people I know are in this age group, I think our group will use this as our target group because we have the most knowledge of this group anyway as we ourselves are in the group.

Questionnaire analysis (Question 1)

This is the analysis from the question "Are you male or female?" this shows that I asked slightly more females than males in my questionnaire, I will bare this in mind when looking at the results.


Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Starting on our thriller

Last week we got into groups, I am with Kristina, Lizzie and Emma. Our group started by doing questionnaire to help us with our ideas, Emma and Lizzie made a questionnarie but to benefit my grade and help me have a better understanding of the research process I also did my own questionnaire and I will later upload a copy of it and the results I gathered, my results were very similar to Emma and Lizzie's so this helped back up our research and ideas. Our group also did a mind map to think of ideas for our thriller opening. We have come up with a final idea for what we want to do using inspiration from the openings we watched in our research and we have started drawing a storyboard up for it and we have divided the responsibility of the drawing of it between the group, I will upload when it is complete. We also planned that we would do our filming on the 5th March that will take place at tutbury castle where there will be a ghost hunt happening that our group have permission to film as we are fortunate to have Emma's mum working for the company doing the ghost hunt. Unfortunately only two of our group are allowed access to the castle and Emma and Lizzie have decided to go, me and Kristina will make up for the fact we couldn't be part of the filming by putting a lot of input into the editing. We will film shots of around the castle and some parts of the ghost hunt.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

'Pulp Fiction' opening analysis

Pulp fiction is a very popular, classic thriller and that is why I chose this opening to look at.

The opening begins with two people talking in a restaurant, they seem like two ordinary people and you can't really tell what kind of film it is going to be fore the first minute or so. This is a nice effect because it helps the viewer get to know the characters straight away. The two people then start talking about robbing banks and various criminal activities, this is when the film begins to obviously be a thriller but as the two people look so ordinary it seems quite unusual which makes the viewer want to know more. The male then gets a gun out and once again this seems unusual as the characters are being portrayed as a very ordinary couple calling each other "pumpkin" and "honeybunny" and kissing, right before they rob the restaurant.

The scene finally ends and freezes on the image of the male and female stood holding guns up in the restaurant and some fast paced music comes on and the title 'Pulp Fiction' comes up in big orange writing. By this point the viewer knows what is going on and the film is ready to properly start. This opening is good because it doesn't mess around, it gets straight into the film and hooks the viewer straight away and I think that is good.

'Se7en' opening analysis

I chose this thriller opening to research because I think the opening has a good idea behind it and it's the kind of thing our group would like to do.

The opening to this film is good because it creates mystery, however it also forshadows what is going to happen later on in the film. I think the way the credits flash up between clips has a really good effect and helps to create the suspense and mystery. Another good feature of this opening is that you can tell what kind of film it is going to be and that it is going to be a horror film as it appears that someone is trying to hide something and it includes some gruesome things like someone cutting their fingerprints off. Although we might not be able to do something that extreme, we can add spooky things like this to let the audience know what kind of film it is going to be. Something else that has a nice effect and could be a good idea for our opening is when the name of the film flashes up mid opening and it appears to be on one of the objects which if we could find a way of doing that would also be very good and interesting to include.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

The Final Clip

This is our groups final outcome of the preliminary task, I am very happy with the way it has turned out. Fortunately the only thing that went wrong was that the clip was slightly too short which was fixable, nothing else went wrong and everything went to plan.


We decided to add music to our clip as there was a buzzing sound in the background and it added to the dramatic effect. It took a while to find a music clip that related to our clip but we managed to find one that helps create tension and drama in the clip, and therefore make our video more effective. This is the music we found...


We edited our shots in 'Adobe Premiere Pro' to put the whole clip together. We added different effects including a letterbox pan style shot at the end, this helped us because once we edited it the clips were too short and we needed a way to make it longer. Doing this task really helped me understand how to edit a video.

Actors and Props

We decided to use Emily and Francesca as our actresses for our project as they are drama students and therefore would be the best actors. For our task we didn't need many props, however we did need pictures for one of our actors to throw on the table and we decided to take our own pictures to make our film more realistic and therefore more effective. These are the pictures we took.